Corpus of the Chuvash language

Texts for translation

Title: Амӑшӗ

Author: Макар Хури (3)

Source: «Тӑван Атӑл». — 1969, 2(136)№ — 93–94 с.

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 140, translated — 3.

Title: Аxаx

Author: Николай Меценатов (1)

Source: «Тӑван Атӑл». — 1969, 2(136)№ — 91–92 с.

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 136, translated — 0.

Title: Мускав, Совнарком, В. И. Ленина

Author: М. Румянцев (1)

Source: «Тӑван Атӑл». — 1969, 2(136)№ — 90 с.

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 45, translated — 0.

Title: Анне

Author: Ева Лисина (8)

Source: «Тӑван Атӑл». — 1969, 2(136)№ — 88-89 с.

Text type: Prose

Sentences: total 123, translated — 5.

Title: Яшка витӗр Шӑнкӑртам курӑнать

Author: Ева Лисина (8)

Source: «Тӑван Атӑл». — 1969, 2(136)№ — 86-88 с.

Text type: Prose

Sentences: total 132, translated — 0.

Title: Хуйхӑ

Author: Ева Лисина (8)

Source: «Тӑван Атӑл». — 1969, 2(136)№ — 85-86 с.

Text type: Prose

Sentences: total 112, translated — 6.

Title: Яка пыр

Author: Ева Лисина (8)

Source: «Тӑван Атӑл». — 1969, 2(136)№ — 84-85 с.

Text type: Prose

Sentences: total 63, translated — 0.

Title: Тӳме

Author: Ева Лисина (8)

Source: «Тӑван Атӑл». — 1969, 2(136)№ — 83-84 с.

Text type: Prose

Sentences: total 94, translated — 2.

Title: Сарӑ чечек

Author: Ева Лисина (8)

Source: «Тӑван Атӑл». — 1969, 2(136)№ — 82-83 с.

Text type: Prose

Sentences: total 46, translated — 0.

Title: Пӗлӗт

Author: Ева Лисина (8)

Source: «Тӑван Атӑл». — 1969, 2(136)№ — 81-82 с.

Text type: Prose

Sentences: total 59, translated — 4.

Title: Пӑшалсӑр эпӗ пӗр кунта виҫӗ упа тытрӑм

Author: Георгий Орлов (2)

Source: «Тӑван Атӑл». — 1969, 2(136)№ — 76-80 с.

Text type: Prose

Sentences: total 193, translated — 2.

Title: Тинӗс уҫакансем

Author: Александр Аслут (1)

Source: «Тӑван Атӑл». — 1969, 2(136)№ — 70-76 с.

Text type: Prose

Sentences: total 327, translated — 3.

Title: Йывӑр та телейлӗ пурнӑҫ

Author: Вера Дридзо (1)

Source: «Тӑван Атӑл». — 1969, 2(136)№ — 4-8 с.

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 173, translated — 0.

Title: «Паян – Пӗтӗм тӗнчери тӑван чӗлхе кунӗ...»

Author: Анна Егорова (1)


Text type: Article

Sentences: total 21, translated — 0.

Title: Халӑх сӗнӗвӗсене шута илмелле

Author: Е.ПЕТРОВА (13)

Source: http://елчекен.рф/2023/02/07/%d1%85%d0%b ... %bb%d0%b5/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 34, translated — 0.

Title: Вӗсем Сталинграда хӳтӗленӗ

Author: Николай АЛЕКСЕЕВ (1)

Source: http://елчекен.рф/2023/02/10/%d0%b2e%d1% ... b5%d0%bde/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 83, translated — 0.

Title: Витӗмлӗх кирлӗ

Author: Елчӗк Ен (77)

Source: http://елчекен.рф/2023/02/10/%d0%b2%d0%b ... 80%d0%bbe/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 6, translated — 0.

Title: Ящур — хӑрушӑ

Author: В.АФАНАСЬЕВ (1)

Source: http://елчекен.рф/2023/02/10/%d1%8f%d1%8 ... 83%d1%88a/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 21, translated — 0.

Title: Ҫӗвӗ цехӗнче ӗҫ вӗрет

Author: Е.ПЕТРОВА (13)

Source: http://елчекен.рф/2023/02/10/ce%d0%b2e-% ... %b5%d1%82/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 10, translated — 0.

Title: Ӑмӑртура — пулӑҫсем

Author: Е.ГЕННАДЬЕВА (3)

Source: http://елчекен.рф/2023/02/14/a%d0%bca%d1 ... %b5%d0%bc/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 9, translated — 0.





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