Corpus of the Chuvash language

Author: Елчӗк ен

Title: Пӑрҫа ҫулма тухнӑ

Author: Елчӗк ен

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/07/1 ... 85%d0%bda/

Text type: News

Sentences: total 12, translated — 0.

Title: Малашлӑха ҫирӗп шанаҫҫӗ

Author: Елчӗк ен

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/07/0 ... %d0%b0cce/

Text type: News

Sentences: total 17, translated — 0.

Title: «Фермер шкулӗнче» ӑс пухаҫҫӗ

Author: Елчӗк ен

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/07/0 ... %d0%b0cce/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 43, translated — 0.

Title: «Награда хуҫине тупнӑ»

Author: Елчӗк ен

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/05/3 ... bf%d0%bda/

Text type: News

Sentences: total 11, translated — 0.

Title: Банксен укҫине куҫ хывнӑ

Author: Елчӗк ен

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/05/3 ... b2%d0%bda/

Text type: News

Sentences: total 12, translated — 0.

Title: Спорт хыпарӗсем

Author: Елчӗк ен

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/05/3 ... %d0%bc-72/

Text type: News

Sentences: total 11, translated — 0.

Title: Ыр кӑмӑллӑх ӗҫӗ — сӑваплӑ

Author: Елчӗк ен

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/05/3 ... bf%d0%bba/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 18, translated — 0.

Title: «Раҫҫей» куравра

Author: Елчӗк ен

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/05/3 ... %80%d0%b0/

Text type: News

Sentences: total 8, translated — 0.

Title: «Комбайн» ЯХПК — ҫӗнтерӳҫӗ

Author: Елчӗк ен

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/05/3 ... %d1%80yce/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 5, translated — 0.

Title: Ҫӗр улми лартаҫҫӗ

Author: Елчӗк ен


Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 20, translated — 0.

Title: Спорт хыпарӗсем

Author: Елчӗк ен

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/05/2 ... %d0%bc-71/

Text type: News

Sentences: total 18, translated — 0.

Title: Сӑвӑсран асӑрханмалла

Author: Елчӗк ен

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/05/2 ... %bb%d0%b0/

Text type: News

Sentences: total 20, translated — 0.

Title: Ҫӗр улми лартаҫҫӗ

Author: Елчӗк ен

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/05/2 ... %d0%b0cce/

Text type: News

Sentences: total 20, translated — 0.

Title: Хушма специальность пулать

Author: Елчӗк ен

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/05/1 ... %82%d1%8c/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 11, translated — 0.

Title: Заявкӑсем йышӑнаҫҫӗ

Author: Елчӗк ен

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/05/1 ... 0%b0cce-2/

Text type: Article

Sentences: total 8, translated — 0.

Title: «Фермер шкулӗ» проектӑн ҫӗнӗ тапхӑрӗ

Author: Елчӗк ен

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/05/1 ... 5a%d1%80e/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 11, translated — 0.

Title: Нуша курсан та хуҫӑлман

Author: Елчӗк ен

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/05/1 ... %b0%d0%bd/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 25, translated — 0.

Title: Ӗҫ Мухтавӗн ялавне ҫӗкленӗ

Author: Елчӗк ен

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/05/1 ... %d0%bde-3/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 2, translated — 0.

Title: Ҫирӗп контроль кирлӗ

Author: Елчӗк ен

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/05/1 ... 80%d0%bbe/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 21, translated — 0.

Title: Территорие тирпей-илем кӗртрӗҫ

Author: Елчӗк ен

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/04/2 ... 2%d1%80ec/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 3, translated — 0.





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