User: Нинел
Name: Нинел
Registration: 2016.06.28 08:09
Number of translated sentences: 79
- on check: 0
Number of translated words: 844
- on check: 0
Articles translated by the user
Чӑваш Ен тата Беларуҫ: туслӑх ҫирӗпленет (Валентина БАГАДЕРОВА)
[1 sentences, 1 words, 2016.06.28 17:19]
[1 sentences, 1 words, 2016.06.28 17:19]
Тӗп вырӑнта - экзамен, хутшӑну, хӑрушсӑрлӑх (Надежда СМИРНОВА)
[1 sentences, 1 words, 2016.06.28 17:17]
[1 sentences, 1 words, 2016.06.28 17:17]