User: Любовь
Name: Любовь
Registration: 2016.06.16 23:27
Number of translated sentences: 123
- on check: 0
Number of translated words: 1281
- on check: 0
Articles translated by the user
Ҫӗр варринче те чирлисем патне васканӑ (Вероника ЛЕОНТЬЕВА)
[2 sentences, 17 words, 2016.06.28 13:05]
[2 sentences, 17 words, 2016.06.28 13:05]
Ачасен йышӗ ӳсет, тӑлӑхсен шучӗ чакать (Маргарита ИЛЬИНА)
[36 sentences, 342 words, 2016.06.17 22:37]
[36 sentences, 342 words, 2016.06.17 22:37]