Corpus of the Chuvash language

User: Нина Геннадьевна

Name: Нина Геннадьевна

Registration: 2016.08.06 20:14

Number of translated sentences: 12

- on check: 0

Number of translated words: 156

- on check: 0


Articles translated by the user

Спорт кулленхи ӗҫре вӑй парать (Геннадий КУЗНЕЦОВ)
[1 sentences, 12 words, 2016.08.06 22:09]
Председатель хӗрӗ (Нина Еграшкина)
[6 sentences, 67 words, 2016.08.06 21:46]
Халӑха, тӑван ҫӗре парӑннӑ чӑн-чӑн чӑваш (Валентина СМИРНОВА)
[2 sentences, 31 words, 2016.08.06 21:23]
Ура хуракансем тупӑнсах тӑраҫҫӗ (Юрий МИХАЙЛОВ)
[3 sentences, 46 words, 2016.08.06 20:23]




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