Corpus of the Chuvash language

Text type: Publicism

Title: Ӳсентӑран ӗрчетес ӗҫе аталантараҫҫӗ

Author: Марина Иванова (873)

Source: ... ra-3712273

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 21, translated — 0.

Title: Хушӑлкара Тӑван ҫӗршывӑн Аслӑ вӑрҫинче Ҫӗнтерӳ 79 ҫул ҫитнине халалланӑ митинг ирттернӗ

Author: Марина Иванова (873)

Source: ... rn-3758407

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 4, translated — 0.

Title: Пӑслӑкра Ҫӗнтерӳ кунне халалланӑ чаплӑ митинг иртнӗ

Author: Марина Иванова (873)

Source: ... tn-3758609

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 5, translated — 0.

Title: Ситекпуҫӗнче "Ачасене вӑрҫӑ ҫинчен вулатпӑр" акци иртнӗ

Author: Марина Иванова (873)

Source: ... tn-3758615

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 8, translated — 0.

Title: Пишпӳлекре майӑн 9-мӗшне халалланӑ ҫӑмӑл атлетика эстафети иртнӗ

Author: Марина Иванова (873)

Source: ... tn-3760906

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 11, translated — 0.

Title: Ака ӗҫӗн пуҫламӑшӗ ӑнӑҫлӑ

Author: Светлана АНАТОЛЬЕВА (10)

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/04/2 ... ac%d0%bba/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 21, translated — 0.

Title: Тивӗҫлисене — чыс-хисеп

Author: Е.ПЕТРОВА (24)

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/04/2 ... %b5%d0%bf/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 15, translated — 0.

Title: 10 ача амӑшӗ

Author: Зоя СТЕПАНОВА (1)

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/05/0 ... ca%d1%88e/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 37, translated — 1.

Title: Электрон мелпе ҫырӑнаҫҫӗ

Author: Елчӗк ен (140)

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/05/0 ... %d0%b0cce/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 8, translated — 0.

Title: Курмалӑх пур, тунӑ ӗҫ те — куҫ умӗнче

Author: Елчӗк ен (140)

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/05/0 ... %87%d0%b5/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 22, translated — 0.

Title: Паттӑр ячӗпе

Author: Е.ПЕТРОВА (24)

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/05/0 ... f%d0%b5-2/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 20, translated — 0.

Title: Уява — ӳсӗмсемпе

Author: Елчӗк ен (140)

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/05/0 ... %bf%d0%b5/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 11, translated — 0.

Title: Вӑрӑм ӗмӗрлисене саламларӗҫ

Author: Александр Иванов (11)

Source: ... %97%d2%ab/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 34, translated — 0.

Title: Ӗҫлеме те, савӑнма та пӗлеҫҫӗ

Author: Галина Симакова (1)

Source: ... %ab%d3%97/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 15, translated — 0.

Title: Хӗрӳ вӑхӑт пуҫланчӗ

Author: Минзаит Зайнуллин (18)

Source: ... %87%d3%97/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 11, translated — 0.

Title: Ҫитӗнӳсем савӑнтараҫҫӗ

Author: Л.Петрова (2)

Source: ... %ab%d3%97/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 14, translated — 0.

Title: Пулӑшма яланах хатӗр

Author: Каҫал ен (161)

Source: ... %97%d1%80/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 17, translated — 0.

Title: Чӑваш чӗлхи илемлӗ, пуян, ҫепӗҫ…

Author: Вера Никифорова (1)

Source: ... %97%d2%ab/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 10, translated — 0.

Title: Ентеш ячӗпе – турнир

Author: Валерий ДЕНИСОВ (5)

Source: ... 8%d1%80-2/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 14, translated — 0.

Title: Виҫҫӗмӗш хут иртнӗ

Author: Каҫал ен (161)

Source: ... %bd%d3%97/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 6, translated — 0.





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