Corpus of the Chuvash language

Text type: Publicism

Title: 15-мӗш ҫулхи асра юлнӑ 15 пулӑм

Author: Николай Коновалов (44)

Source: ... a-15-pulam

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 164, translated — 0.

Title: Ахах та ылтӑн-и вирьял чӗлхи?

Author: Виталий Станьял (6)


Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 52, translated — 0.

Title: Уяв сӗтелӗн историйӗ

Author: Хресчен сасси (10)


Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 44, translated — 0.

Title: Юман-аттепе ҫӑка-анне тата вӗсен ҫемйи

Author: Алексей ЛЕОНТЬЕВ (98)

Source: ... esen-cemyi

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 96, translated — 3.

Title: «Сӑмахӗ - вилӗмсӗр йышши...»

Author: Надежда СМИРНОВА (23)


Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 54, translated — 0.

Title: Асран кайми тусӑм

Author: Александр ИЗОТОВ (1)


Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 244, translated — 3.

Title: А. Н. Островский

Author: Ялав (5)

Source: Ялав. — 1951. — № 6. — 32 с.

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 8, translated — 0.

Title: В. Г. Белинский

Author: Ялав (5)

Source: Ялав. — 1951. — № 6. — 32 с.

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 11, translated — 0.

Title: Христо Ботев

Author: Ялав (5)

Source: Ялав. — 1951. — № 6. — 32 с.

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 9, translated — 0.

Title: П. А. Павленко

Author: Ялав (5)

Source: Ялав. — 1951. — № 6. — 31 с.

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 31, translated — 0.

Title: Хв. Уярӑн «Ылтӑн кӗркунне» кӗнеки пирки

Author: Александр Артемьев (25)

Source: Ялав. — 1951. — № 6. — 29–31 с.

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 161, translated — 3.

Title: Чӑваш искусствин паллӑ деятелӗ

Author: Васидий Долгов (1)

Source: Ялав. — 1951. — № 6. — 27–28 с.

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 112, translated — 0.

Title: Николай Николаевич Блохин — СССР Верховнӑй Совечӗн депутачӗ

Author: Ялав (5)

Source: Ялав. — 1951. — № 6. — 16 с.

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 24, translated — 0.

Title: А. М. Горький произведенийӗсем чӑвашла

Author: Хӗветӗр Уяр (7)

Source: Ялав. — 1951. — № 6. — 13 с.

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 31, translated — 0.

Title: Мирпе коммунизмшӑн кӗрешекен аслӑ писатель

Author: Аркадий Ӗҫхӗл (6)

Source: Ялав. — 1951. — № 6. — 4–6 с.

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 76, translated — 1.

Title: Совет халӑхӗн историллӗ ҫӗнтерӗвӗ

Author: Прохор Трофимов (1)

Source: Ялав. — 1951. — № 6. — С. 1-3

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 107, translated — 0.

Title: Пишпӳлек районӗнчи хисеплӗ хӗрарӑмсем! Хаклӑ аннесем!

Author: Марина Иванова (873)

Source: ... em-4021600

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 16, translated — 0.

Title: Ялти чи лайӑх полици уполномоченнӑйӗ

Author: Марина Иванова (873)

Source: ... -y-4022488

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 8, translated — 8.

Title: Ҫирӗп вӑй-халлӑ

Author: Марина Иванова (873)

Source: ... ll-4024205

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 33, translated — 0.

Title: Шанӑҫпа савӑнӑҫ атмосфери

Author: Марина Иванова (873)

Source: ... ri-4024191

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 12, translated — 0.





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