Corpus of the Chuvash language

Text type: Anecdote

Title: Кӑштах кулса илмелӗх

Author: Евгений Турхан (8)

Source: ... sa-ilmelkh

Text type: Anecdote

Sentences: total 25, translated — 25.

Title: Арӑма театра чӗнсен

Author: Сувар (95)

Source: «Сувар», 2019.09.10

Text type: Anecdote

Sentences: total 10, translated — 10.

Title: Тинӗс шывӗ ма тӑварлӑ?

Author: Сувар (95)

Source: «Сувар», 2019.09.10

Text type: Anecdote

Sentences: total 8, translated — 8.

Title: Килсӗр Макҫӑмпа​ Чӑнкӑ Мирун

Author: Сувар (95)

Source: «Сувар», 2019.09.10

Text type: Anecdote

Sentences: total 7, translated — 9.

Title: Тӗве

Author: Сувар (95)

Source: ... hn-my-kukr

Text type: Anecdote

Sentences: total 2, translated — 2.

Title: Морпех, десантник тата гвардеец

Author: Сувар (95)

Source: ... hn-my-kukr

Text type: Anecdote

Sentences: total 8, translated — 8.

Title: Сӗтел ҫитти

Author: Кил-ҫурт, хушма хуҫалӑх (22)

Source: «Кил-ҫурт, хушма хуҫалӑх», 2016.07.28, 29№

Text type: Anecdote

Sentences: total 8, translated — 0.

Title: Шурӑ, шурӑ, кӑпӑшка

Author: Евгений Турхан (8)

Source: «Сувар», 25(703)№, 2007.06.22

Text type: Anecdote

Sentences: total 12, translated — 8.

Title: Виҫӗ хутлӑ бухгалтери

Author: Сувар (95)

Source: «Сувар», 25(703)№, 2007.06.22

Text type: Anecdote

Sentences: total 10, translated — 10.





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