Corpus of the Chuvash language

Year: 2024

Title: Конкурсра ҫӗнтернӗ

Author: Елчӗк ен

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/07/0 ... %d0%bde-5/

Text type: News

Sentences: total 9, translated — 0.

Title: Кашни ҫемье — хӑй пӗр ҫӗршыв

Author: Зинаида ПОРТНОВА

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/07/0 ... %8b%d0%b2/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 32, translated — 0.

Title: Округ пурнӑҫӗ

Author: Елчӗк ен

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/07/0 ... %bdace-14/

Text type: News

Sentences: total 21, translated — 0.

Title: Ҫу кунӗ хӗле тӑрантарать


Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/07/0 ... 2%d1%8c-4/

Text type: News

Sentences: total 20, translated — 0.

Title: Ҫар традицийӗсене мала хурса

Author: Елчӗк ен

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/07/0 ... %81%d0%b0/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 13, translated — 0.

Title: Патшалӑх пулӑшнӑран умри ҫул уҫӑлать

Author: Елчӗк ен

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/07/0 ... %82%d1%8c/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 24, translated — 0.

Title: Шутлӑ кунсенче, пысӑк пахалӑхпа

Author: Светлана АНАТОЛЬЕВА

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/07/0 ... %bf%d0%b0/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 14, translated — 0.

Title: Мастер-класс иртнӗ

Author: Елчӗк ен

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/07/1 ... %d0%bde-3/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 8, translated — 0.

Title: Совесть текенни пулмаллах

Author: Елчӗк ен

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/07/1 ... %b0%d1%85/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 8, translated — 0.

Title: Ҫырла юрататӑр-и?

Author: Елчӗк ен

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/07/1 ... 80-%d0%b8/

Text type: News

Sentences: total 8, translated — 0.

Title: Бердянск тӑрӑхне — кӗнеке

Author: Елчӗк ен

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/07/1 ... %ba%d0%b5/

Text type: News

Sentences: total 6, translated — 0.

Title: Июль уйӑхӗнче — 4 тӗрлӗ субсиди

Author: Елчӗк ен

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/07/1 ... %b4%d0%b8/

Text type: News

Sentences: total 4, translated — 0.

Title: Ырӑ чунлӑ, ӑшӑ кӑмӑллӑ

Author: Ирина ПЕТРОВА

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/07/1 ... bb%d0%bba/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 19, translated — 0.

Title: Пӗрлӗх пуянлӑхӗ — тӑрӑшуллӑ ӗҫченсенче


Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/07/1 ... %87%d0%b5/

Text type: Interview

Sentences: total 68, translated — 0.

Title: «Социаллӑ» статус ҫӑмӑллӑх кӳрет

Author: Елчӗк ен

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/07/1 ... %b5%d1%82/

Text type: News

Sentences: total 11, translated — 0.

Title: Тарифсем ӳсрӗҫ

Author: Елчӗк ен

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/07/1 ... 1%d1%80ec/

Text type: News

Sentences: total 13, translated — 0.

Title: Проектпа смета документацийӗ хатӗр

Author: Елчӗк ен

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/07/1 ... 82e%d1%80/

Text type: News

Sentences: total 9, translated — 0.

Title: Ентешсем — лауреатсем

Author: Елчӗк ен

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/07/1 ... %b5%d0%bc/

Text type: News

Sentences: total 6, translated — 0.

Title: «Пӗр чӑмӑр пек эпир»

Author: Николай МАЛЫШКИН

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/07/1 ... %b8%d1%80/

Text type: Interview

Sentences: total 58, translated — 0.

Title: Мӗн кӗтет-ши малта?

Author: Николай МАЛЫШКИН

Source: http://xn--e1aaatdp0e.xn--p1ai/2024/07/1 ... %82%d0%b0/

Text type: Publicism

Sentences: total 81, translated — 0.





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